Home Energy Efficiency check-ups at Fry's Spring and Jackson Via neighborhoods.
The Local Energy Alliance Program is a nonprofit
dedicated to encouraging homeowners in Central Virginia to make their homes
more energy efficient. A LEAP Home Energy Checkup combines our Healthy
and Efficient Home Evaluation with complimentary, energy-saving products
directly installed by our experts so you can immediately save energy and money.
You'll get an evaluation of your home's energy efficiency, the advice of one of
LEAP's Energy Coaches, energy efficient light bulbs, pipe insulation, door
weatherization and more; plus a checklist of additional energy saving measures
for your home.
The value of this package
is estimated at over $300 in goods, savings, and professional advice but with
LEAP's participation in Dominion Electric’s Home Energy Checkup instant cash
rebate program, our price to homeowners is only $35 during this neighborhood
promotion. Visit leap-va.org/checkup for more information. LEAP will be conducting the Home Energy Checkups from 12/09/13-01/03/14 and 01/ 20/14-1/24/13 in the Fry's Spring Neighborhood and the Jackson-Via Elementary School District as
a fundraiser for the Jackson-Via Elementary PTO- $10 will be donated to
the organization for each house that receives a checkup. The
homeowner/tenant must be a dominion customer, and the checkup is not
available for apartment buildings.