Wednesday, August 31, 2011

"Healthy Business" interview for Speaking Forward radio show

Just came back from a radio show with Olga Morse and Jeff Haynes, of Speaking Forward. As many business women and as many working parents, I send my daughter Charlotte to child care. I try to teach Charlotte healthy habits at home. I also do my best to be consistent in providing her healthy and nourishing meals at home. The role of child is sometimes overlooked, yet children spend 8-12 hours in child care and get 3 or more meals over there. It is extremely important that the food children get while in child care is healthy. On this show I talk about easy ways to improve nutrition in child care. For example, celebrate special occasions with non-food treats, like stickers, pencils, trinkets, stamps, etc...! Games and other activities are also a hit for children. They won't even ask about sweets. Speaking from experience. The show will air on Saturday, Sep. 3.

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